AJ Adhesives & Mid-America Packaging
Selecting the appropriate tactics for each brand can be quite complex. It’s crucial to gain a comprehensive understanding of the brand’s core identity to accurately pinpoint its target audience, establish the appropriate tone, and develop the most effective strategies tailored to its needs. This process of identifying the right tactics, creating impactful content, and executing the plan is something I genuinely find fulfilling.
One aspect I particularly enjoy is A/B testing, which allows for experimentation and refinement of strategies. As new platforms continue to emerge and algorithms shift, it becomes increasingly important to adapt our approaches accordingly. By analyzing the results of different tactics, we can gain valuable insights that not only enhance our current campaigns but also inform future strategies. It keeps the dynamic nature of branding and marketing exciting and ensures that we remain competitive in a rapidly changing landscape.
As the Marketing Director for an industrial brand, I recognized the need to adapt our content strategy as social media platforms evolved. Originally, our audience grew rapidly on Facebook; however, it became essential to shift our primary focus to LinkedIn. In recent years, LinkedIn has adopted a more progressive approach and has become a crucial platform for B2B businesses to connect with potential leads. In contrast, Facebook has shifted towards content that is more fun and entertaining.
To better suit each platform's distinct audiences, we adjusted the content created for Facebook to better suit LinkedIn. I piloted audience research efforts which uncovered key insights into consumer behavior; and leveraged findings to fix the biggest causes of low engagement, resulting in substantial long-term brand loyalty improvements. The results were impressive: industrial B2B audiences became much more engaged on LinkedIn. This change resulted in a remarkable 77% increase in social media referrals to the company's website. As a result, 58.5% of new leads generated from our website originated directly from social media.
See more in-depth case studies here:
Branding with Brands
Partnering with online directories has proven to be a significant way for businesses in the B2B industrial sector to reach more leads online. To identify the best partners for our needs and target audiences, I delved into our website analytics. I wanted to understand where our leads were coming from organically and which external sites were directing traffic to us, apart from our own marketing efforts. I focused on working with an online directory that had already provided us with valuable referrals. As a result, we were able to increase our web traffic and generate leads directly from the directory.
In November 2024, we currently have an 88.78% engagement rate with this online directory.
Additional projects available upon request.
Co-branding can help brands reach a wider audience. As the Marketing Director for two industrial distributors, I have significant experience collaborating with various brands. I have managed a range of initiatives, including online co-op campaigns, the creation of lead funnel web pages, and promotional and welcome gifting.